Color Point


Color Ball

If there are more than 3 balls of the same color in one vertical line, they will be automatically dissolved and you get points. There are two special balls: 50-Point-ball and Kill-all -Ball. You can not collect them directly, but you can dissolve them

Color Correction Wizard

Color Correction Wizard is an all-in-one batch color correction tool. The program effectively solves contrast and color balance problems turning dull digital images into splashes of color. Moreover, the program gives you a unique opportunity to impose one


MB Eye Color Inheritance

MB Eye Color Inheritance is an eye color determination tool for your child. This is based on the genetic inheritance of the eye color from a parent to a child. Eye color inheritance has been an interesting topic of discussion for many years. It is a known

MB Color Oracle

MB Color Oracle is a divination tool based on the color divination wheel. Different colors have different influence on a person at a given time. This is what comes into play when the color oracle helps you find a solution for your problems based on your

MB Mystical Color Oracle

Colors are known to have great healing effects. The MB Mystical Color Oracle aims to help people find an answer in understanding themselves based on the first name and last name. Different colors have different influence on a person at a given time. This

Different Color Software

With DIFFERENT COLOR SOFTWARE you can learn how painters mix their colors

Different Color Mixer

Different Color Mixer Software is software for painters, designers and other artists mixing or blending color paints with or without paints

Aries Color Scheme Wizard

Aries Color Scheme Wizard, a free tool for busy web developers and software engineers, allows users to quickly generate dozens of color schemes based on user selected colors, predefined html colors or an uploaded digital image.

MB Color Therapy

MB Free Color Therapy Software is an advanced yet a simple color therapy software. It is a self-healing program which allows you to relax, heal yourself and free your mind from all sorts of tensions, stresses and strains. The different colors which we see

MB Color Test

MB Free Color Test is a highly accurate and easy to use software that provides a fairly accurate analysis of your personality. This software is based on the fundamental principle of colors representing your changing moods and hidden desires, which will

MB Psychic Color Test

MB Free Psychic Color Test Software is an interesting software that helps you test your psychic abilities. Some of these abilities may be inborn and you may not be aware of it openly. This program will not only make your intuitive powers stronger, but

MB Feng Shui Lucky Car Color

MB Feng Shui Lucky Car Color gives you the choice of the best color that you should choose for your car based on astrology or Feng Shui. This software helps you choose the best color that gives you peace of mind and happiness.

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